Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Angel

Elodie and Jeffrey experienced their first snow fall in Shreveport yesterday. It started falling Thursday night and it was absolutely beautiful. When our power went out at midnight, Jeffrey was like a little child trying to get me up to look at the snow. I decided I would stay in our warm bed. We moved Elodie into our bed so that we could keep each other warm during the night. Our power came on about 4 a.m. Elodie woke us up at 7 a.m. and I had a hard time convincing Jeff to go into work late so that we could go outside and play. Once outside, guess who was doing most of the playing. I'm glad we went out early because by 9 a.m. it was beginning to melt. It was so beautiful, peaceful and quiet. It will always be a fond memory!

She wasn't sure what to think about all this cold stuff.

Huntley had a blast frolicking in the snow. He was catching snowballs in his mouth.

Daddy's poor attempt at a snowman. His hands were too cold.

In some places in our backyard it was almost 5 inches deep.

1 comment:

  1. Kendal, did you know that all you have to do it copy and paste everything from the html page? I have done that before too!
